About Us
The origins of Berean Bible Fellowship Church date back to 1903, when the Mennonite Brethren in Christ denomination sent evangelists to hold tent services in the area. The Berean Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church officially organized in 1910. Four years later, the congregation erected a building on South Sixth Street in Stroudsburg. In 1959, to reflect a denominational name change, the congregation changed its name to Berean Bible Fellowship Church.
We moved into our present building on Tara View Drive in 1979. In the years since, we have assisted with the start of two daughter congregations one in Brodheadsville (now ended) and another in Mount Pocono. We also support eight missionary couples or individuals. We are pleased to be part of the Bible Fellowship Church, a network of 64 congregations in six US states and two in Mexico. Also, we have added a full-size gymnasium and meeting rooms that we call the Victory Center.
Priorities, Beliefs, Vision, Commitments, and Values
Our Priorities
Berean Bible Fellowship Church seeks to be united in a passion for Jesus Christ that overflows in loving care and effective outreach. Here are four ways that we endeavor to meet these goals.
We exalt the Lord through music, preaching, prayer, and communion. Our Sunday services blend classic hymns and selected praise songs.
We evangelize the community and the world through personal witness and cross-cultural missions. Approximately one-fourth of the church budget is spent on missions.
We equip believers for spiritual growth through systematic Bible study. Our Sunday evening services include time for questions and discussion.
We encourage one another through social events, home group meetings, and personal care. We want to be a church that emphasizes quality relationships.
Our Beliefs
God: We believe that God exists as an eternal trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Bible: We believe that God has revealed His message to mankind in the Bible. It is our final authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
Jesus: We believe that Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. He came to earth to show us what God is like and to provide the way of salvation. He died on the cross to pay the penalty for sin and then rose again in victory over death.
Salvation: We believe that salvation is a free gift from God, available to all who receive it by faith. Salvation includes forgiveness for sin, a personal relationship with God, and the promise of eternal life.
Life: We believe that all of life should be lived for the honor of God. We seek to obey His Word and depend on His Spirit for strength.
Eternity: We believe in a real Heaven and a real Hell. This solemn reality gives purpose to our individual lives and our life as a church.
Read more in the complete Articles of Faith for the Bible Fellowship Church denomination.
Our Vision, Commitments, and Values
Our Vision:
Our desire is that we would grow in our love for God and for one other and share His love with the world; therefore we must be intentional in all we do for the glory of God. We believe that God is at work in us and around us and we trust that He is working to change the affections of rebellious hearts through the proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ and the activity of the Holy Spirit. Our desire is to be purposefully aware of that work, through persistent prayer, and to invest in it. In our worship, our preaching and teaching, our spiritual conversations with one another, and in our day-to-day relationships, we expect that God is going to change us as we commit ourselves to learning to grow in Christ together.
We are Committed to
Love God More: We believe that God is the Eternal Creator and Best of all Beings and that He has revealed Himself in his Word. Our desire is to find our ultimate satisfaction in His person, words, and works because He created us for His glory and is transforming our inner man by beholding and delighting in that glory revealed in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we commit to grow in our understanding and acceptance of the truth of Scripture. We will endeavor to love God more by knowing Him truly, embracing Him wholly, abiding in Him joyfully, submitting to Him willingly, and living for Him sacrificially. This can only be done as we exercise trust-filled dependence on Jesus’ finished work on our behalf.
We Value: God’s Word, God-Exalting Worship, Expository Preaching, Spiritual Fellowship, Biblical Humility, Heartfelt Repentance, and Prayerful Dependence.
Love One Another Better: We believe that as we grow in our love for God that will flow over into a love for God’s people. Our desire is to be a demonstration of the Head Shepherd’s love and care for His sheep and to be united in one Spirit. Therefore, we sacrificially commit ourselves, through covenantal church membership, to the spiritual and physical well-being of one another. We long for the spiritual flourishing of our brothers and sisters in the gospel and therefore we will endeavor to connect with each other on a weekly and even daily basis to encourage, challenge, and stir one another up to love and good works, and to above all point one another back to God’s all Sufficient Savior and Loving Lord, Jesus Christ.
We Value – Meaningful Membership, Discipleship, Relationships (inside and outside of the church), Heart Change, Investing in People, and Spiritual Conversations.
Invest Ourselves in Christ’s Kingdom
We believe that God has endowed every one of His children with particular gifts to build up His body the church. Our desire is to invest the time and gifts that the Lord has so graciously given us for the advancement of His kingdom. As good stewards, we want to be faithful and therefore we commit ourselves to the proper use of the “talents” which the Lord has entrusted to us, according to His Word, for His glory, our joy in Him, and until His return. We will endeavor to recognize God’s gift in every believer and to encourage, develop, and provide opportunities to implement those gifts and abilities. We Value: Mentoring, Training, Development, Responsibility, Service, and Work.
Make Disciples of all Nations
We believe God is building his kingdom for his glory one disciple at a time. A disciple is a faithful follower of Jesus who progressively submits every area of his/her life to the Loving Lordship of Christ out of a transformed heart that delights in God’s goodness. God’s desire is that the glory of Jesus would fill the earth by our transformed lives and through our proclamation of the gospel so that people from every nation would come to know, prize, and worship the true and living God. Therefore we commit to answer God’s call to make disciples and enter into the work he is doing in and around us.
We will endeavor to move intentionally toward outsiders in our lives in wisdom and love, imploring them with a clear and persuasive gospel message to be reconciled to God by Jesus Christ, through repentance and faith, trusting his Spirit to transform hearts. In this area we value: Praying, Identifying, Connecting, Knowing, and Speaking.
Our Denomination
Berean Bible Fellowship Church is a part of a larger group of churches known as the Bible Fellowship Church. There are 70 Bible Fellowship Churches, mostly located through the Mid-Atlantic states.
Our History
The origins of Berean Bible Fellowship Church date back to 1903, when the Mennonite Brethren in Christ denomination sent evangelists to hold tent services in the area. The Berean Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church officially organized in 1910. Four years later, the congregation erected a building on South Sixth Street in Stroudsburg. In 1959, to reflect a denominational name change, the congregation changed its name to Berean Bible Fellowship Church.
We moved into our present building on Tara View Drive in 1979. In the years since, we have assisted with the start of two daughter congregations, one in Brodheadsville (now ended) and another in Mount Pocono. We also support twelve missionary couples or individuals. We are pleased to be part of the Bible Fellowship Church, a network of 64 congregations in six US states and two in Mexico. Also, we have added a full-size gymnasium and meeting rooms that we call the “Victory Center.”