Berean bible fellowship church
Learning to grow in Christ together
Learn About Jesus
God is at work
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Worship - 9:30 am
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Tithes & Offerings
You are invited to join us in heartfelt worship of the Lord and warm fellowship with each other. Each Sunday we enjoy a blend of classic hymns, selected praise songs, and an insightful time examining God’s Word together. Please contact our church office to find out about participating in one of our Bible studies or Fellowships throughout the week.
We are called to serve and have a committed core group of believers who are actively seeking new ways to use our gifts, talents, and resources to share the gospel of Jesus Christ locally and wherever God leads us. We are learning to grow in Christ together, won’t you come and join us?
Expositional Preaching
Watch a message from Pastor Beau Coffman

Everything at Berean Bible Fellowship Church is centered on Jesus Christ. We believe that He is the most important Person in history. Through Him, each person can begin a relationship with God – a relationship that starts now and lasts for all eternity.
By dying on the cross, Jesus paid the penalty for sin. By rising from the dead, He proved His victory over sin and death. Now God offers forgiveness and eternal life to all who put their faith in Jesus. “For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God” – 1 Peter 3:18.
∗ Our spiritual nourishment
“I am the bread of life” – John 6:35
∗ Our spiritual direction
“I am the light of the world” – John 8:12
∗ Our spiritual leader
“I am the good shepherd” – John 10:11
∗ Our source of spiritual life
“I am the true vine” – John 15:5
Jesus Christ promises to meet all our spiritual needs
Here at Berean we believe that our Worship Gathering is one of the primary ways that God teaches us to love Him with all our hearts, minds, souls, and strength. We also are committed to connect with one another through out the week in our Fellowship Ministries.
Seeing that God has given us, both as parents and as a church, the blessed responsibility to disciple our children in that love, (Deut. 6:7; Eph. 6:4; Titus 2) we believe that our children belong with us as we worship.
Our children not only learn as we teach them the truths of worship but also by observing us as we worship and submit to
His Word.
3D is a church wide program that is intended to instill within the hearts of children and adults alike the importance of understanding the Bible from a systematic and historic perspective.
Doctrine is so important to the health of a local church as we seek to love God by knowing him truly, embracing him wholly, abiding in him joyfully, submitting to him willingly, and living for him sacrificially.
Berean Church offers many opportunities for ladies. Typically throughout the year there are two Ladies’ Bible Studies, one in the morning and one in the evening.
In addition to this, there are several fellowship opportunities, such as our Christmas Tea and Ladies Banquet. Through our connection with Women of Truth, we are able to offer other opportunities for training and getaway.
Our desire at Berean is not only that we would grow in our Love for God, but also that we would grow in our love for one another. We define personal discipleship as each one of us taking responsibility for another’s progress and joy in Christ. Our Fellowship Ministry is the vehicle that we use to carry out this desire.
We have several Regional Fellowships that are led by our elders that commit to the spiritual well-being of those in the group. We would love to see you join us in this effort.
For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him;
PSALM 103:11